参展艺术家:Leviathen Hendrick, Runjun Hu, Valerie Kong, Nam Tran, Frederick Freebury Williams,郭艺桥、黄润生、黄树彬、李磊、刘洁、刘云、帅权轩、吴青山、朱可染、庄子。
Artists:Leviathen Hendricks,Ruijun Hu,Valerie Kong,Benjamin Brown,Frederick Freebury Williams,Guo Yiqiao,Huang Runsheng,Huang Shubin,Li Lei,Liu Jie,Liu Yun,Shuai Quanxuan,Wu Qingshan,Zhu Keran,Zuang Zi
The exhibition has an off-site piece by Benjamin Brown located at 87 Hackford road (a 10 minute walk from San Mei Gallery).
伦敦时间2018年8月16日18:30,叠映2018:中英当代艺术邀请展在英国伦敦San Mei Gallery艺术空间正式开幕。此次展览由中国四川大学艺术学院彭肜教授担任展览策展人,由四川大学艺术学院支宇教授担任学术主持,四川大学艺术学院学术院长黄宗贤教授担任艺术顾问、教育与文化交流协会(AECESE)会长邱华先生担任展览执行、伦敦San Mei Gallery艺术空间负责人Alice Childs担任总执行人。
London time, 18:30, August 16, 2018.Reflection 2018: china-uk contemporary art invitational exhibition opens in the art space of San Mei Gallery in London, UK.The exhibition by the Chinese art institute of sichuan university professor Peng Rong exhibition curator, Zhi Yu, a professor at the art institute of sichuan university branch as the academic chair, the art institute of sichuan university academic dean professor Huang Zongxian as artistic adviser, education and cultural exchange association (AECESE) of Qiu Hua as executive, London San Mei Gallery, head of the art space Alice Childs as executor.
The exhibition features a variety of styles, including traditional easel oil paintings, traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, as well as installation and new media art, presenting a variety of art forms and languages. It is a perfect dialogue and communication between Chinese and British art.