时 之 形
参展艺术家:吕小帅 魏震
开幕时间:2020年4月26日 下午3:00
支持机构:伦敦梵高故居 三妹画廊 皇家绘画学院
Opening : 3pm, Sunday, 26 April, 2020
26 April-29 May 2020 by appointment
No.86 Jinli West Road
Qingyang District Chengdu
Artists : Lv Xiaoshuai Wei Zhen
Curated by Shangguan Kaili
Special guest : Wang Xiao
Organizer : Aspiring Van Gogh
Supported by Van Gogh House London, San Mei Gallery, Royal Drawing School
“时之形”(Time shapes)驻留展是由伦敦梵高故居发起的一系列支持年轻艺术家的驻留项目。本项目由伦敦梵高故居、皇家绘画学院联合资助。两位经过筛选而出的艺术家吕小帅、魏震,通过Van Gogh House London(伦敦梵高故居)和Dumfries House(苏格兰)的驻留之后所呈现的一系列作品。 此次展览呈现的是两位艺术家在伦敦泰晤士河岸的灵感延续。近半年的时间,两位艺术家从伦敦到苏格兰再到成都,沉浸在原始的、冲动的、感性的创作之中,发生着空间和时间的转移。然而在疫情特殊时期,将个体隔离于另一空间近两个月之久,亦会对这次驻留回顾展的作品产生新的变化。吕小帅将泥土塑以人形,生灵,风干着色,在这样的情绪之中夹杂的是敏感的、脆弱的,不可持续的,但这些依旧不是作品最后的呈现,随着时间推移,仍然有着诸多可能性,如人。魏震在不同的工作室空间之中,创作出不同形态下的贝壳、石头、河流,一边源自于被食客抛弃在泰晤士河床的贝壳,亦互文于隔离期间家乡终日无人的河畔,绘画中不仅是物象的动态反射,更是心境的自然流露。 Time shapes is an exhibition of work by artists Lv Xiaoshuai and Wei Zhen as a result of a series of residency programs supporting young artists initiated by the Van Gogh House London. This project is jointly funded by the Van Gogh House London and the Royal Drawing school. The two selected artists present a series of works made after their residency period in the Van Gogh House London and Dumfries House (Scotland). This exhibition presents a continuation of inspiration the two artists found from the banks of the River Thames in London. The two artists have been making work relating to this for half a year, from London to Scotland and then back to Chengdu. During this period, they were immersed in primitive, impulsive and sensory creations, whilst simultaneously, space and time were shifting. However, during the special period of the epidemic of coronavirus, the isolation of the individuals in another space for nearly two months has brought new changes to the works in the exhibition. Lv Xiaoshuai molded air-dried and coloured clay into human figures and living creatures. The forms are sensitive, fragile and unsustainable, but they are not necessarily the final presentation of the work. As time goes on, there are still many prospects that can affect the sculptures, just as with human beings. Wei Zhen has created shells, stones and rivers in different forms in the different studio spaces. On one hand, they reflect shells abandoned along the Thames riverbed in London, and on the other hand, they are those found along the vacant river in his hometown during the isolation period. The paintings are not only the dynamic reflection of objects, but also the natural expression of an atmosphere.