Li Hainan
1993年⽣于中国东北地区,视觉艺术⼯作者,于法国巴黎国⽴⾼等美术学院获学⼠及硕⼠学位,期间交换访学 (Erasmus+ ) 于⽐利时布鲁塞尔坎布雷国⽴⾼等视觉艺术学院雕塑系,并于巴黎索邦⼤学 (巴黎第四⼤学) 哲学系辅修学⼠学位,现常驻上海。
Born in 1993 in Northeast China, visual artist. He graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris DNAP and DNSAP (BFA and MFA), France, with an exchange visit (Erasmus+ Programme) to the Sculpture Department at École nationale supérieure des arts visuels (ENSAV) de La Cambre, Brussels, Belgium, and a minor in Philosophy at Sorbonne University (Paris IV), currently based in Shanghai.
Relying on a variety of media such as installation, collage and environmental intervention, he intervenes and reconstructs images through a visually dominant artistic language, developing a critical and diverse social practice of political art. He is committed to deconstructing the 'truths' anchored and constructed in historical narratives with a new paradigm, attempting to knock down the framework of commonplace ideas through the strangeness of value anchors, thereby revealing the structural relationship between social territories and the economy under the wave of capital, and thus constructing artistic intuitions into new realities.
昙花⼀现,Galerie Droit,法国巴黎 (2021);
达达达达,Galerie Droit,法国巴黎 (2019)。
Solo Exhibitions:
Éphémère, Galerie Droit, France (2021);
DaDa-DaDa, Galerie Droit, France (2019).
动态刷新,罗中⽴美术馆,中国重庆 (2023);
境域,J Gallery,中国上海 (2022);
⽩⽪书,Bojan Šarcevic ⼯作室,法国巴黎 (2020);
flower power,路易斯安那酒店,法国巴黎 (2019);
四百平⽅⽶,巴黎美术学院 Palais des Beaux-Arts,法国巴黎(2019);
16,Nathalie Talec ⼯作室,法国巴黎 (2018);
Re-enactment,Nathalie Talec⼯作室,法国巴黎 (2018),
并参与四川美术学院⻘年艺术家驻留,中国重庆 (2022)。
Group Exhibitions:
Dynamic refresh, Art museum of SiChuan fine arts institute, ChongQing, China (2023),
Realm, J Gallery, ShangHai, China (2022),
Papier Blanc, Atelier Bojan Šarčević, Paris, France (2021);
Flower Power, Hotel La Louisiane Saint-Germain-desPres, Paris, France (2019); Quatre Cents Mètres Carrés, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France (2019);
16, Atelier Nathalie Talec, Paris, France (2018);
Re-enactment, Atelier Nathalie Talec, Paris, France (2018).

Alice Childs, 榆树教育总裁
Livia Wang, 皇家艺术学院硕导、伦敦梵高故居馆长
Anna Bromwich, 梵高故居及伦敦三妹画廊艺术顾问
Eleanor Wang, 艺术家、伦敦三妹画廊馆长
Amelia Wang, 艺术家、 Samuel Guiyang工作室统筹
Kylie Shangguan, AVG空间负责人